There’s a big weekend coming up here in Schuylerville. The Gardeners’ Weekend promises to be another big hit. There are events scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday plus tours and sales at local garden centers. Or you can just walk around town and admire all the newly planted lilacs sponsored by local groups and planted by FFA students from the high school.
If you want to choose from a full selection of flower and vegetable plants, go early to the Schuylerville Garden Club’s annual plant sale . Hours are 9 to 12 Saturday at the Youth Commission Building at Fort Hardy Park. For further information, call Kathy at 695-3915. Lilac and hydrangea starter plants will also be sold as part of the Gardener’s Weekend at the park - again, come early.
Evening entertainment this weekend will be provided by the Schuylerville Community Theater’s production of “Company” at the high school. This sprightly Steven Sondheim musical will be presented Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 PM and Sunday afternoon at 2:00.
If flea market shopping is your bent, cross the river to John Tedder’s new weekend sale at his pole barn behind 42 Old Schuylerville Road. Vendors are welcome to join in this new venture, to be held Saturdays and Sundays through October. For more information, go to John’s blog at
And for something really special, follow the Pottery Trail to visit the studios and shops of area potters. Our own talented Doug Klein will be creating and selling his beautiful works of art at his studio at 100 Burgoyne Road, across from the monument. Lots of things to do this weekend - get out there!
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